Gaming News You Can Use…

Well, maybe 10 out of a few thousand of you can use anyway. There’s a very interesting article on gamegirladvance about the new Japanese game Rez. Apparently the game itself isn’t much to talk about, but the special edition comes with a hardware addition that gives an extra bit of value to your PS2. Dig:

Level 7 always gets her goat.But god damn, the trance vibrator started thumping like crazy in time with the music.

Well, what would you have done? I moved the vibrator into my lap.

…That’s why I was so excited by Rez’s trance vibrator, since it seems to have no other purpose than to act as a masturbatory aid. Its shape is pretty nice, it can slip easily under your skirt or in your panties, it comes with a protective “glove” which you can wash, and it emits a regular pulsating rhythm that gets ever more intense and thrilling the deeper you go into the game. Damn, by the end I was writhing on the floor! Synesthesia indeed.


None on eBay. Shame. But I can’t think of a better way to indoctrinate a woman into gaming than something along these lines. And I thought that Dance Dance Revolution shit was the gateway to gaming goodness, but this takes the cake. Or the pie, whichever floats your boat.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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