Gaming Meh-ness

BUT DR. MIYAMOTO, I LOVE YOU!Nintendo released their list of Q2 ’05 releases. Here’s a breakdown of the “highlights” in your future:

  • Star Fox Assault – 29 April 2005 (Gamecube)
  • Killer 7 (Capcom) – 27 June 2005 (Gamecube)
  • WarioWare Twisted! (Nintendo) – 3 June 2005 (GBA)
  • Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Ubisoft) – May 2005 (GBA, DS)

Yeah, other than that, pretty lackluster. And come to think of it, the only game on that list that I will even consider buying is the Star Wars game, and that’s only because Ubisoft puts out quality stuff.

It’s really depressing watching a company so renowned for quality software just slipping down the tubes. It’s almost like we went back in time to the Virtual Boy era, and had Nintendo decide to sink all its time and efforts into that big red albatross. I mean yeah, it’s rumored that they’ll have DIVX compression on the DS so that you can play movies on it, but I’d much rather have one single fucking game that makes me glad that I own it.

*looks at Nintendo DS on the desk*

I think this is my penance for years of taunting Mac users for buying a $3000 paperweight. Although mine only set me back $150, and I did get to play an awkward version of Mario 64 on it. Hooray for seeing the bright side when you’re knee deep in shit.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. W.T.F?Who the fuck wrote that list? Star Fox Assault is on the shelf right now. As is Baten Kaitos and Viewtiful Joe 2. And Kingdom [of] Hearts Chain of Memories came out 2 months ago didn’t it, never mind that it has an extra word added to the title.Anyways, that list looks like bullshit to me. They’re obviously including 3rd party titles, but there is no way that there will be so few 3rd party titles for the quarter. Just off the top of my head, I know that UBisoft is also going to release a new Splinter Cell, and EA is also coming out with Fight Night 2 and the new Time Splitters. Fight Night doesn’t sound to hot, except that the Gamecube version ships with an unlockable Super Punch Out, with little mac as a playable character.

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