Gamey Nutrition Without The Gamey Taste

I still haven’t mentioned the details of my departure from work, but until I get the opportunity to put my thoughts down into a possibly long-winded-yet-comically-smartassed tale, suffice to say that I’m better off. Today, for example, I’ll be working for a solid 2 hours instead of the 8 of previous times, and making about the same amount. That means I get to come straight home to you baby, and have delicious comedy dinner waiting for you when you return from your lunch break. The kids will be bathed, the dog will be walked, and I’ll probably slip into something that flatters my ass. No no, you put your feet up and relax… you’ve had a hard day at work.


  • Miyamoto Shows Off Wii Features – Same old excellent stuff, with one minor addition. Those avatar-like faces that you put on the Wii tennis guys? Apparently those faces (you, essentially) will pop up randomly in other games. That’s… that’s kinda fucking cool. Although knowing the Japanese, they’ll probably make us all into some sort of whining effeminate boygirl, casually flirting with Link while wearing one of those green Hyrulian skirts. And of course, somehow, Nintendo will make me like it.
  • Tomb Raider Remake For PSP – Might include a remake of the second one as well. New moves, new graphics, new stuff. It’s sad that this is one of very few upcoming games for the PSP that piques my interest. The device is dynamite Sony, this should have been a slam dunk. Let’s move it.
  • Frugal Gamer: Cheap Games @ Circuit City – Ten bucks for a ton of games that I meant to play and never got around to purchasing. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Metroid Prime: Echoes, HL2 (Xbox), Dragon Quest VIII, just to name a few. Might be worth your while to stop by and pick something up, considering there’s barely anything worth playing on the shelves right now.

    Oh, and on the PSP tip, here’s a pretty slick D-Pad cover that comes bundled with Tekken

  • DS Vibration Cartridge – Mario & Luigi RPG 2, Metroid Pinball, Shunkan Puzz Loop and Metroid Prime Hunters are the only titles that work with this thing so far, but more are on the way. Hopefully they put out a US version that comes in cheaper, although $25 isn’t much at all. But still, after the exchange, the thing retails for the equivalent of twelve bucks over in Slantyland.

    Oh, and Starfox for the DS is coming out in Japan this August. Hopefully the US version comes out around the same time, so I won’t have to import.

Alright, that’s enough for now. Get back to work, slackers. I’m going to do the same, and come back here in a couple of hours and touch myself before playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles or something.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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