Gamblor Demands Tribute! And A Pony!

Up a C-note, down a C-note, and back to even again. Such is the emotionally PMS-ing bitch goddess that is Vegas. No worries though, I factor food and lodging into the up/down equation, but not the copious amounts of free booze-ahol. If I did, I’d have the house by a good couple hundred dollars, and that coaster that I thought was a cookie.

Undoubtedly my tune will have changed by tomorrow morning, after I gamble away my last dollar and the souls of any unborn (or illigitimate) children I may have in a pitiful attempt to satiate my thirst for nickels and dimes.

Lord almighty is it hard to post on this thing when you’re trying to double down.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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