Fulfilling My Lifelong Search For Irony

I don’t know if it’s exactly ironic, per se, but I found it particularly annoying to be stuck on a one lane road behind a slow-ass prick on his cell phone in a minivan that had a vanity plate which read “W8ISOVR”. I figured he might still be “w8ing” for death’s icy grip to slowly strangle his corporeal form, so being a helpful fellow, I moved into the opposing lane and swerved violently at him. True, he still retains his tenuous balance on this mortal coil, but he looked pretty old. I’m sure his heart can’t take much more strain like that.

I think I’ve been playing Knights Of The Old Republic a little too much lately. My evil level is sliding dangerouly towards the “you’re all fucked” territory.

And more in sardonic news, Mabs called me yesterday to let me know that I’m not posting enough. Thats kind of like getting hipness advice from your blind grandfather. Who’s dead. In a telegram.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. OR…just about every song title in R. Kellys discography can be SOMEHOW linked to statutory rape.Chocolate Factory? Riding a \”Train\”??? AHHH!!!

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