Fuck You And Your Stylus

Saw the following over at Magic Box:

Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of Final Fantasy, said his new company Mist Walker is working on a new simulation RPG title for Nintendo DS, which can be played with just the stylus.

My new company, Funny Walker, is working on a new simulation game for the Nintendo DS stylus where it finds itself within the confines of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s ass. The monkeys will do much beta testing on this product.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Stylus?I don’t even bother with the stylus. I just use my finger instead. Even with my giant banana hands it’s still accurate.

  2. Eh… uhI am in agreement, screw the stylus, and I also saw screw the touchscreen, at least as a controller, I tried playing the metroid game on the DS, the touch screen control sucked major ass.

  3. The touch screen works for meI say the stylus and touch screen both work great. It took a little bit of adjusting, but I’m quite good at controlling mario and metroid with the screen.They stylus? I like using it os I don’t have to constantly clean my touch screen.

  4. good pointI do get alot of junk built up on the screen if I don’t use the stylus, however the lower screen is usually just a menu so clarity isn’t a big deal.Plus I find myself touching the thing all the time even when I use the stylus.

  5. Thumb StrapYeah the wrist strap also has a little rounded square piece on the end that works just like a stylus. Works really well for M64 as it uses an area similar to that you’d get off the N64. Metriod works better with the pen as it uses the whole screen for movement. Kinda a trackball mentality.

  6. DSI’ll chime in with my opinion, because everyone wants to hear it. I didn’t play the DS for very long. I tried Mario 64 and the demo of Metroid. Mario was really disappointing, not only for the stylus control which I couldn’t quite get the hang of, but for the graphics. I could barely see anything, and I figured the graphics weren’t meant to be shrunk down to the size of a portable screen. Metroid, however, worked alot better with the stylus control. The system is kind of up in the air, I’d have to try more games.

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