Fuck You And Your Stupid Ass Dog

Would somebody please ask Scott Kurtz of PVP to stop using his stupid fucking Basset Hound as the basis for his comic strips? They are not funny, and frankly make me want to stab his fat ass with sporks, so that the plastic teeth break off inside his supple, fleshy exterior.

He did this one shitty strip about the dog called “Pet Jackass” that really made me want to douse my eyes with barbeque sauce. The only thing I can figure is that his wife comes up with these shitty ideas, and then he puts her retarded bullshit into the strips in the hopes of getting some more tail out of the bargain. I hope for his sake, he’s getting to blow a load in her face because I can’t stand another fucking one of these inanities. I like the guy’s work and all, but fucking stop with the dog crap. Why does he want me to hate this dog? I love dogs, I love them far more than I love fat cartoonists who cave into their fat wives. So please, for the love of God Scott. Knock it off.

Categorized as Rants

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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