From The Oddly Appropriate Department

Sharon Stone has some words of comfort for all you rape victims out there: you should have blown the guy.

“Her mother was trying to talk to her about not being inappropriately luring. I said, ‘Gee that would look much nicer with a camisole under.’ “Her mother walked away, and I said to the girl, ‘I’d like to give you a two-minute conversation about sex.’ “Young people talk to me about what to do if they’re being pressed for sex? I tell them (what I believe): oral sex is a hundred times safer than vaginal or anal sex.

“If you’re in a situation where you cannot get out of sex, offer a blow job. I’m not embarrassed to tell them.”

This coming from a woman who showed her vagina to every man with eyes on the planet.

Maybe she and Whitney should get together and have a tea party. And by tea party, I mean sodomize one another with toys while doing lines of coke off the bathroom floor.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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