From The “Needs No Further Comment” Department

Does he do this shit to himself on purpose?

“If there were no children on this earth, if someone announced all kids were dead, I would jump off the balcony immediately.”

— MICHAEL JACKSON, father of three, in an interview with a British documentary maker.

Wow. So many jokes are running through my brain that I just might overheat and set off the smoke detector. God bless you Michael, for doing my job for me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hmmim not gettin it?he’d be deprived of ‘baby dangling antics’ and therefore would have to jump off the balcony….?

  2. Not getting it…You’re kidding, right? \”Not gettin it\” is exactly the reason Jacko would take that leap if all the earth’s children were gone.

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