Free Money…. Sort Of has a price guarantee policy to credit buyers back cash. If the product you purchased within the last 30 days has dropped in price they will credit you back the difference. The only problem is that you have to check and then notify them in order to get the credit.

After you make an Amazon purchase, drop by this site and enter it into our database. We do the rest. We’ll check everyday and send you an email if the price has dropped. In the email will be a link right to the place where you claim your credit.

Pretty fucking sweet idea. As long as its not an email farming scheme, but whatever. Gmail spam account, prepare yourself!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. IdeaSay you buy a book for $20 or whatever, it then drops to $15 in a week, you claim your $5 back and return the book. I sense a pretty good scam here.

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