Fox Can Kiss My Ass

[ “Arrested Development” Cancelled? ]

One of the best fucking shows on right now, and they’re halting production four episodes shy of the normal 22 for the season. American Idol gets ratings through the roof, and quality shows like this get the shaft. Sounds about right to me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Best show on right now.Easily the best show on tv right now.Anyone see David Cross on Kimmel bitching about this? He found out they halted production on the INTERNET.. not even a phone call from the network or anything.Also, he said he hopes they get replaced by something high quality like \”America’s Cutest Retards\”.

  2. orMaybe they will replace it with some type of legal or investigation type show. That would be oringinal. Hardly any of those or reality type shows on TV these days. Coming soon, CSI: Hoboken and Law and Order: Traffic Court! Stay tuned.

  3. or..from Arrested Development Fans: Thank you for your e-mail and your passionate support of Arrested Development. While the show has finished production for its second season, contrary to the rumors you may have heard or read on the internet, it is NOT cancelled.We at FOX love Arrested Development and we look forward to having the Bluth family back on FOX in the future รขโ‚ฌโ€œ hopefully for many years. You can help make the show a bigger success by getting as many people as possible to start watching the show this Sunday and every Sunday at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT.Sincerely,Fox Broadcasting Company

  4. Unfortunately it’s a patternFox has a pattern of taking off (yes I saw Arrested Development isn’t exactly cancelled) their best shows… Anyone remember \”The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.\”? (\”Thanks for the donuts, Dunkin\”), \”Soldier of Fortune\”… and of course, \”FUTURAMA\”! I can’t believe they can keep crap like the O.C. on… but I guess preteen girls like that \”AD-SUCKS\” poster are their target audience.

  5. FoxFox cancelled futurama, family guy, a few other things. Those shows were good. The difference is AD was not good. It sucked.

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