For those about to rock

First, let me introduce you to the next big thing in the underground world of prescription drug modding: Viagra pill splitting.

“Like most men I denied the existence of my erectile dysfunction problem. The false starts were very upsetting to my wife and me and we decided to share this reality with my personal physician who was eager to give me a few sample 25 Mg Viagra Tablets.

One day I overheard the men talking at the local health club about pill splitting and how a 100 Milligram Viagra pill could be split in two cutting your costs in half. Two pills per week at a cost of $10.00 each cost approximately $1000.00 per year. Cutting the pill in half I could save $500.00 a year.

My physician was well aware of the pill splitting practice and he readily prescribed the 100mg pill and I was off to the next part of my Viagra pill splitting experience.”

Now I need to skip ahead and reveal a little of the plot here in order to keep this on one page and vaguely interesting, but he goes on to describe how he couldn’t get the little motherfuckers to split in half, and every pill cutter he tried didn’t work. So, instead of bitching about it, he made his own pill cutter—the V2 pill splitter.

That is right MoFos, this little number can crack your Grandpa’s viagra pill in half saving him the cost of 3 hookers a year, and still leave him a fiver to throw in your birthday card.

But, contrary to my actions, the pleasantries of erectile dysfunction are not what I wanted to fill this post with. I just wanted to take a minute and give a BAMF salute to a man who saw a problem and solved it. So, without further ado, to the proprietor of the v2 pill splitter, I present the BAMF Award for Solving the Fucking Problem:

Thank you, and goodnight.

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