Flipper Couldn’t Be Tied Down, Yo

Woman Marries Dolphin

… *stares blankly*

In a modest ceremony at Dolphin Reef in the southern Israeli port of Eilat, Tendler, a 41-year-old British citizen, apparently became the world’s first person to “marry” a dolphin.

Dressed in a white dress, a veil and pink flowers in her hair, Tendler got down on one knee on the dock and gave Cindy a kiss. And a piece of herring.

“It’s not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He’s the love of my life,” she said Saturday, upon her return to London.

OK, we’re all taking this story a bit too lightly. Sure the bitch is crazy. Sure her mother would have been better off swallowing on the day she was conceived. And yeah… she’s probably uglier than sin. But that doesn’t change the fact of the matter: this woman is a threat. If she manages to breed with this bottlenosed bastard, we could be in for some big fucking trouble. Just think about a dolphin with opposable thumbs and a voicebox. Or worse, imagine a dolphin with legs! Because you know one of those fuckers will be the dolphin Chuck Norris, and learn to roundhouse kick his way across Hell and damnation. Then what the fuck will we do?

…what the fuck are we gonna do?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. dude…ohhh man this reminds me. there used to be an instructional guide on the net somewhere for how to fuck a dolphin! it had very elaborate instructions for both males & females.wonder if that crazy bitch wrote it…rofl nm if you google \”how to have sex with a dolphin\” you’ll find over 3million matchs. BAHAHAHAHA!!!

  2. Boo!It WAS dolphinsex.org that had the all-too-detailed instructions for banging both male and female dolphins. I just went to check it for, uhh, research purposes… but now the site is gone. Fortunately I have most of it committed to memory!

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