Fastballs Special

Fastball Special... Olympics.

X-3 Danger Room footage, or so it would seem. The forced humor has Ratner written all over it. The CGI has “cheap Thai slave labor” written all over it as well, mind you. But still, it’s kinda neat to see ahead of time. …if you’re drunk.

Oh and by the way, Megaupload fucking sucks. Just before the countdown button reaches zero, the site pops an ad over that space. So if you’re like me, browsing off screen while waiting, you come back to find that real estate totally gone. Pay attention to where the countdown is, and [X] out the non-popup popup that covers it. Then you’re good to go.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. laffthe best part is at the end of the clip, when all the nerds actually start clappingoh it was glorious. yay wolverine

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