Fantagraphics – We need to sell $80k

I was informed that the independent comic house Fantagraphics is at risk of bankruptcy, so they are asking that anyone interested in what they do to head on over and pick some shit up (calling or buying directly from the website is most beneficial). Now I’m not much of a comic fan, but I know some of you are, and some of the goods they have for sale look pretty interesting. I’ll be picking up Jimmy Corrigan right after I click submit.

Our former and now bankrupt book trade distributor went out of business owing us over $70,000 — which we will never see. (To add insult to injury, we learned that the owner is selling copies of our books that he should’ve returned on e-bay!) This unexpected shortfall necessitated taking out a couple loans which have now come due. In late 2001, our line was picked up by the W.W. NORTON COMPANY, who took over our bookstore distribution, and has done a magnificent job of providing us unprecedented access to the bookstore market. Inexperience with the book trade resulted in our erring on the side of overprinting our books too heavily throughout 2002, so that our anticipated profit is in fact sitting in our warehouse in the form of books. Loans must be paid in cash, not books. The only way to get out of this hole we’ve dug ourselves into is to sell those books. Which is where, we hope, you come in.

Head on over and see if there is something you might like.

Categorized as News


  1. God dammit.I need money. Anyone that wants to get me PortaJohnny, The Nimrod, Tits Ass & Real Estate, Nightmare Alley, The Great Comic Book Heroes, Hate Annual, and the Zippy Annual…let me know. You can…uh…have my first-born child or something. Seriously, the kid will probably just end up retarded anyway.

  2. Urine crusted raincoat, part-time whoreI sold the rights to name my first born son for a beer, apparently his name will be \”Elmo\”.

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