Fair, Balanced, and Mildly Retarded

This just in: 2 out of 3 spam messages are fraudulent. That’s right, Foxnews has gone in-depth with the FTC to bring us this startling discovery:

Those get-rich-quick schemes and offers for herbal Viagra crowding your e-mail inbox are not just an annoyance, they’re likely illegal as well, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (search) said on Tuesday. [Story]

Since this is something that most of us have know since aproximately ’94, and it wasn’t even interesting then, I am not going to dwell on it. I do, however, want to dwell on this:

A full 96 percent of spam touting business or investment opportunities such as work-at-home offers was deemed to be fraudulent.

The following image is a 3k clip from the front fucking page of the Foxnews website:

If stupidity was contageous we’d all be fucked.

Categorized as News


  1. …Like it takes a rocket scientist to realize that Rupert Murdoch cares more about scruples and principles more than money. And by cares more, I mean less.

  2. Hey!I can make $150 an hour? from HOME? This is a great world we live in. Because if its on the internet it HAS to be true…

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