Expecting Sanity Out Of The Insane…

Have you kids taken a gander at the marvelous piece of literary brilliance that is the supposed sniper demand letter? I didn’t think there was any single way to make the deaths of 6 people seem like pure comedy, but they did it. I especially appreciate the little stars, although I think that dotting the “i’s” with hearts would have finished the job nicely.

Personally, I’m a little let down by the whole fiasco. Wouldn’t it have made us sleep a little more soundly to know that it took some hideous criminal mastermind to kill so many yet evade the police for so long? We get to the conclusion and it turns out these Scooby-Doo-esque villains are the intellectual equivalent of Doug E Fresh and Ned Beatty’s Otis from Superman. Disappointing.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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