Even Ezekiel Thinks That My Mind Is Gone!

It’s sad that school shootings are so “business as usual” in the USA, but they’re becoming far too commonplace for any of us to really stand up and take notice when they appear on the news.

Well, almost.

PARADISE, Pennsylvania (CNN) — A 32-year-old truck driver walked into a one-room Amish schoolhouse Monday, binding and shooting three girls execution-style before killing himself, police said.

Eight other girls were wounded in the attack, which police said appeared to be a revenge killing for an incident that occurred two decades ago.

“It seems as though he wanted to attack young female victims, and this is close to his residence. That’s the only reason we can figure that he went to the school,” said Miller.

It would have made for quite a few punchlines had the shooter actually been Amish, rather than merely crazy. At least with a guy that age, Marilyn Manson is probably off the hook. And come to think of it, so are games like Doom and GTA. They like to state that these school-killers “hones their craft” with such games, but I’d imagine it doesn’t even take seasoned pointing-and-clicking skills to knock off a few Amish schoolgirls. Just shout that there’s an apple pick or a barn raising happening outside and point the futuristic death contraption at the unwitting fodder.

Yeah, I’m a bad man, but they’ll never know. Unless someone transcribes the internet and hand delivers it to the farm.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. The amish are gonna get heatedAnd I’m not talking wood stoves, or cow pies either. These muthafuckas out here are probably gonna come out strapped. They could probably buy out arms that would rival some european countries. As a current resident of PA, and having been around some amish on occasion, let me tell you that those people could buy and sell Dubya and his whole fucking twisted regime with the money they got stashed up and buried out in the fields. Don’t think for a minute they’re the simply the cow-tipping, inbred, religious freaks that movies and \”the english\” have portrayed them to be….they rich, beeyotch! I watched an amish father and son walk into a bank to open a savings account for the kid and the bearded son of a bitch pulled out a roll and plunked down $16k in cash. If you don’t believe me, fine, just think about what their monthly bills are like. Think about how much money you’d have if all you got was a paycheck and never had to spend a dime on bullshit like cell phone bills, taxes, and cable TV.All I can say is that if these guys ever get pissed and wanna go all jihad on everyone….look the fuck out.

  2. HummI wonder why the guy checked out so early in the event, aren’t drugs and alchohol suppose to limit this? What ever happened to negotiations and pizza being sent in? They could of cut the juice to the building and waited it out…Opps, no juice allready. What about taking the Waco approach with helo’s and tanks, swat teams gathered for one last big push, flame throwers?Or take the Columbine approach and wait till everyones dead before even stepping on the grass because someone might get shot by the bad guys.Im sure they will have a new bill in congress soon that will put an undercover officer in every classroom, he’ll be easy to spot tho, he’s the old guy in the suit with an ear piece.

  3. Copy the Intarweb…?I would totally hand copy it, but making woodcuts of all the extra pictures would take to fucking long.

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