Enough already.

If he keeps doing this shit, I am going to have to change my name. https://news.ninemsn.com.au/Entertainment/story_28442.asp

The star told the documentary, entitled “Living With Michael Jackson”, that it was always the children’s choice to sleep in his bedroom and that he was happy to oblige.

“It’s not sexual. We’re going to sleep. I tuck them in and I put a little music on and when it’s story time I read a book.

“We go to sleep with the fire on and I give them hot milk and cookies. It’s very charming and very sweet. It’s what the whole world should do,” Jackson said.

“Why can’t you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s very right, it’s very loving. Because what’s wrong with sharing a love?”

Too late.

Categorized as News


  1. hmmm…\”What’s wrong with sharing your bed with someone?\” I think he contradicted his non-sexual statement.

  2. Hmm……The public obession with Michael Jackson’s obviously perverted (and I mean perverted in the bad way) scares me. Ok…we all know he’s a fuckin freak, but beacuse he’s a rich freak we need to be constatly reminded of his sickness?

  3. …………….I think he did a little more than share his bed. I think mikeyboy shared a bit of cock aswell.

  4. This is greatAside from Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson is my favorite insane person. I love watching this guy dig himself into these holes, it’s hilarious.

  5. tyson & jacksonoldskool, u hit it right on the nose…michael jackson and mike tyson are the best insane people on this planet!! (prince is right up there too..if you haven’t seen kevin smith’s take on prince, check it out on his \”evening with kevin smith\” dvd, it’s priceless!!!

  6. think of thisanyone think he is acting retarded on purpose just to get some sort of media attention to his already dead career?just a thought

  7. but really now…Now that he explains it like that, it all makes perfect sense. What a Fuckstick. Come on, really, wouldn’t most people just try to stay OUT of the limelight? And how come everytime this living monstrosity opens his fucking mouth, it has to do with little kids? At the Very least this douchebag needs to get a life, grow up, do adult things, start getting laid (preferably with women), and write me a PHAT check for a couple Million.

  8. ehI’m not so sure that he’s saying it for publicity. He’s doing fine money-wise. Take Tom Green, he did all his crazy stuff for publicity, he knew he was acting crazy and did it on purpose. MJ on the other hand is completly serious when he talks about loving kids, thats why hes so much fun to watch. Deep down we all knew that Tom Green was kidding, but Mike honestly thought that it would be ok for him to say that he loves children.

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