End it. For the sake of the Earth.

Fucking Shoot Me Now

Mommy made me wear it...now she dies.. Ok, guys. Please, people, friends, countrymen, monkeys…for the love of all that’s holy…we have got to ban together and stop this atrocity. Nip it in the bud. At this rate, over half the people we know by the time we all have grandkids (or old enough to have grandkids) will be going to work in their ‘furry-suits’ and pumping gas in their ‘furry-alls’. I do not want to die in a world that is overrun by ugly fucks in animal outfits who think fucking animals is just a higher state of conscious elegance. I guess I’m a bit biased since I signed a contract with Satan in early 85′ that clearly stated:

…You will not die in a world that resemebles Seasame Street or a world that allows people to be so moronic as to wear plush synthetic clothing in order to pretend to be an animal as to avoid acting like the human being they were born as…if you do die in any of these circumstances your powers of complete cosmic photoshawppery control will be forfeit, you will be forced to play LARP games in hell for eternity…oh, and your soul is mine…

I cannot stand for this any longer. Please, I beg of thee, if you see these a kid wearing one of these damned outfits out in public, maybe at a grocery store, or tractor-pull, or maybe you know of one next door to you…I think you know what to do.

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