Elizabeth Smart Found Alive

Remember the harp-playing little girl who disappeared about nine months ago? Remember how so many people thought that the parents just offed her or something, and did all this to cover it up? Yeah, looks like we owe someone an apology.

Elizabeth Smart, the 15-year-old girl who vanished from her Salt Lake City bedroom nine months ago, was found alive Wednesday, riding in the car of a drifter who had once done work at the familys home, police said. Miracles do exist, said the girls uncle Tom Smart.

An FBI agent who witnessed the reunion of Elizabeth and her parents, Ed and Lois Smart, told MSNBCs Ashleigh Banfield that the meeting was tearful and private, and that the girl looked just liked the girl in the videotapes that weve been seeing all these months. Banfield quoted the agent as saying: Its too early to even begin to figure what happened to this girl.

How weird, it’s pretty rare when these things turn out in a positive way. The standard news is covering this like crazy. I just saw an interviewer ask the couple who called in whether or not the kidnappers looked “Middle Eastern” to them. Hooray for the news media, in all its resplendant glory.

Nice to have good news on TV though, and I certainly hope that the little girl is OK.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. nice picthe kidnapper looks like a wannabe taliban white guy, and the news said a woman wearing a veil was with them.prolly similar to one of those ‘I THINK I’M BLACK’ white kids, + pedophilia. good combo.

  2. Question..Police are saying they don’t know what happend, who did it, etc, for sure. The girl IS alive..why don’t they ask her..?Now sure, she’s been through alot, and should be with her family, but you think the family would want her to tell the police wth happend.

  3. wellMaybe the family doesn’t want her to talk to the police yet, bewcause they’re still busy being ecstatic that she’s back. Just a possibility.

  4. eh?there are a few things that bother me: the girl never tried to run or scream during the kidnapping, they found her less than 15 miles away, and she was not physically restrained in any way. something’s really fucked.

  5. i agree with Sanchoi thought it sounded screwy too… parents were kinda shifty eyed also. i saw them. just like that episode of the simpsons with the dog and mel gibson.. heh. good times.

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