Election Day

Today is Election Day. I know this only because Purvue’s father is in local politics. Actually, I also know this because as I’m typing this, he’s having a political discussion with another of our roommates about some of the things being voted on today.

Why do I care? I don’t, really. Why should you care? That is up to you. Why don’t I care? I don’t care because I don’t feel I should be allowed to vote. I think this for two reasons. The first is that I’m for the topic of not allowing crazy people to vote. If you can get away with murder because you’re not in control of your decisions, then you shouldn’t be in control enough to vote. I’m legally insane, so I don’t think I should be allowed to vote.

The other reason is a personal one. I don’t think that uninformed (or misinformed) people should be allowed to vote. I honestly don’t care about a lot of things being voted on, so I don’t take the time to learn about what they are. If I don’t know about the things being voted on, why should I be allowed to walk into a voting booth and flip coins to determine how I vote?

I think that the big thing that turned me off to voting was learning about voting. When I learned about the Electoral College and the voting process to elect presidents, I didn’t ever want to waste my time on something meaningless ever again. If you don’t know the difference between the Popular Vote and the Electoral Vote, then you are either too young or you’re an idiot. The bottom line is that when you (or me or anyone but those in the Electoral College) cast a vote for a Presidential Candidate, it means NOTHING. You’re welcome for the lesson in politics.

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