E3 Loses An E Or Two

So I waited to discuss the whole E3 fiasco because I wanted more information, and I’m very very lazy. It’s kind of a good thing and a bad thing for the industry. Good because it’ll try to restore E3 to it’s roots, which is continuing good business amongst game developers and publishers. Bad because… because I probably won’t be invited to the next one. And my wrath is quite terrible.

The lack of E3 will probably upset some really… really fat people out there, but it’s for the best. Los Angeles didn’t need another reason to smell like a wet armpit, and E3 gave it about 30,000 reasons every spring. And let me tell you something, on a bad windy day, that shit wafts down towards Orange County like the fog of war from Warcraft. Except instead of fog, it’s ass smell. And instead of war, it’s more ass smell.

Bongweasel, thoughts on the ass?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Thats shizz….was going downhill for the horny sex deprieved gamers since they implemented a dress code for the lovely booth babes. Cutting back to 5000 folks would mean that people who need to be there will be there while the other thousands of folks who have no bizz being there will not and all will be good.

  2. MehWell for one I’m not fat and I don’t carry the lingering smell of ass as far as I’m aware of. E3 not going on will be a dissapointment, but I’m in it for the games. I’ll admit I’m a nerd, but you seem kinda harsh on E3, and I think WoW rocks….

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