Drunkened Ponderings

Chain Reaction is on TV right now, and the following thought occurred to me: do you think that at this point in his career, Keanu Reeves ever expected to be making 25 million per film? Sure, he’d had Speed, but he’d also followed it up with Johnny Mnemonic. Kind of funny how things turn out for actors who’s careers seem to be going nowhere one minute, and the exact opposite the next.

I know Alex Winters is embarrassed, that old comparison has been done to death. But what about Steve Guttenburg? What if he’d been picked to be in Die Hard? What a horrible, horrible world we would live in. Now that filming is wrapped for the last Matrix flick, Keanu can go work on the third addition to the Bill & Ted series and kill his career completely, before he ruins John Constantine. Or he can focus on his music with Dogstar, that would do the trick.

Shit, I really want to watch the Bill & Ted flicks now.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. It’s called…… having an incredible agent. If I had the same agent, I would be president of the united states by now. And I’m not even the legal age yet.

  2. hahawhats funny is that i was watching that same showing of chain reaction….and….oh yea, i was drunk as fuck. boy that was a bad movie.

  3. chain reactioni must third that motion. i too was drunk. i must say, that movie has more convenient situations for the protagonist than i’ve ever noticed in a movie before. like wtf is with that crazy phone scene in the end? i thought keanu was a machinist or something, not a fuckin’ hacker.go hollywood.

  4. Hoax…Hmmm… Since it says the story is from Weekly World News, I’d guess it is probably a hoax.

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