Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does

It has come to my attention that some of you stop watching the Short Circuit 2 videos at around #2. This is a fatal mistake. Videos 3-5 are solid fucking gold, and deserve your attention.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. They’re ok. Classifying them as “gold” is a reaching a little. Parts are funny, but I can see why people bail after the 2nd one. It’s hard to hit one-liner home runs for that length of time. I’ll give him/them an A for effort, though.

    These probably get funnier if you’ve been drinking. Like the Jerky Boys, or Adam Sandler’s stand-up.

  2. Alright already, I’ll watch em. I had to take a break to watch American Gladiator…you can’t get mad at that.

  3. Actually, I think everybody is watching them. Once you click on #2, it goes to youtube’s website and the rest of the videos are there. So, I think everyone is watching it there like I am and not clicking the links here on this site.

  4. I was actually referring to people who told me that stopped at #2. I don’t give a shit where people watch them, as long as we get this asshole enough visits to ensure that he’ll make more. I want to see the brutal beating scene and chase, damn it!

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