Don’t Call Me White

Can’t talk long. Forgot cord, laptop battery dying after 30 minute virus-riddled SPAM download. So on to the important stuff:

Moved to temporary digs down in Huntington Beach for the next two months. Literally five minute walk to hot chicks in strings that they like to call bikinis. Also live in an apartment community stuffed to the brim with said trim. (ooh, wordsmithy)

No internet access at said apartment, hence the hurried posting and lack of communications. Fixing that ASAP.

Oh yeah, this is pretty funny, and sad, and then funny again. The officer in question probably took one look at the guy and figured that nobody would really miss him. And with that piece of karmic damnation, I bid you adieu.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. mehSucks for her to lose her son, but the stupid cunt can shut the fuck up about the voicemail shit. Boo fucking hoo, they didn’t tell you in person. At least they fucking told her, bitch should be grateful for that.

  2. Hey!Omaha, NE! I live there!Yeah, the cops here are pretty much insensitive cumdumpsters…and the entire state is full of whiney old people. Not a good combination, imo.

  3. SureNot necessarily the best way to go about it, but is there any good way to tell someone that a family member has died? Her complaining won’t bring her son back.

  4. dude HB is BADASSyou’re stoked to live in H.B. If you’re staying for a while get Earthlink cable or Road Runner ( even though the earthlink is cheaper and they don’t refresh the gateway as often as RR it still uses time warner cable system.not bad for like 50 bucks a month and on the other note….so we all know cops are dumb…i mean the CHOSE to be fuckin cops for Christs sake.

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