Does Whatever A Spider Can

Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Spider-Man 2. Now, I went and saw the midnight showing of it the other night, because I was pretty excited to see it. And now that I’ve experienced the film, and read all of the raving reviews for it, I have to pose this question:

Did I see a different movie than the rest of you?

Don’t get me wrong, the flick was alright, but man did a lot of the dialogue drag. And the acting was sub-par a lot of the time, and goddammit, why is machinery evil just for evil’s sake? Not to mention that every time Mary Jane and Peter started talking, I felt embarassed for them. Embarassed, then annoyed at the five minute long conversations about nothing.

Now, I am trying to go see the flick again, because I want to like it. I was in a very bad mood, and really out of it the other night, so perhaps I wasn’t in a very Spidey place. In the spirit of good will, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this flick. I’m going to grab a large coke and some sour Skittles® and watch this motherfucker one more time. And dammit, it better not seem like Spidey is swinging to nothing out in the middle of the ocean at the end again, or I’m going to get really pissed.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I agree, to a pointHere is the thing: you couldn’t get emotion out of Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst with a cattle prod. They’re both big blocks of wood who absolutely cannot act.Once I overlooked the acting, and let my love of Peter-Parker-College-Student return, I found myself absolutely in love with the story, if nothing else.It felt a lot like a labor of love from a director who realized he was saddlebagged with an inept cast with no idea of the mythos they were portraying.Also, the last 15 minutes felt very rushed compared to the first hour of the god damned movie. The pacing could have used some work.As a geek I thought it was fantastic, but as a critic, it was flawed. I’ve decided to split the difference, and just love it unconditionally, like the bastard son it is.

  2. you’re half rightDunst can act, its Tobey that can’t. Its hard to act when you’re opposite of, a block of wood.

  3. she quitThen she must have stopped both eating and acting for this movie. She could have at least acted like she gave a shit about the role. She was here as eye candy and nothing else. She had this glossy smooth bo-tox looking complexion the entire time and I swear, it looked like her face was utterly imobile because of it.

  4. Who the Fuck caresSpider Man?…..Id rather fuck myself with a chainsaw…..Get yourself some Pussy fast and forget you ever said this shit in public!…

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