Digital Camera Time

Thinkin’ about buying one of these for my impending euro trip. I’m looking for something small, good output, and not obscenely expensive. This sucker’s about $350 at Best Buy right now. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HPtry the hp camera line. i had one that was 5.1 mega pixel was about the same size… and was 350. i think it was the psc7something series

  2. HPtry the hp camera line. i had one that was 5.1 mega pixel was about the same size… and was 350. i think it was the psc7something series

  3. Your cameraHey man. Trust me on this. Canon Digital Rebel. It’s a SLR Digital (If you didn’t know, SLR’s are the cameras you use in photography classes – fully adjustable and you can swap lenses.) Right now, you can get one from Costco with 2 battery pacs, a case, an 18-70 lens (Super-wide angle to a good portrait lens), a 256 card (150 high res pics) and a few other crapity-craps for $850. I know, it’s a little pricey, but the quality is 50X better than ANY point and shoot and it won’t be outdated as fast as the one you are considering. (Remember when 3 megapixels were $450-$500?) Definately worth it.

  4. Olympus Stylus.I used to work in Digital Imaging at Best Buy, I would recommend the Olympus Stylus 410- it’s 4.0 megapixels, it uses a lithium ion battery, its ALL WEATHER, which is something not a lot of digital cameras can boast- it is also encased in two layers of strong (yet, light) metal. Olympus is a company that makes cameras and microscopes for medical/scientific labs- so you know their lenses are good as well. The Stylus410 also allows you to listen to audio directly from the camera- which most cameras do not do- they almost all allow for short movies- but you have to upload them to your computer before you can hear it. A camera coupled with an extra battery, the product replacement plan, and a 256mb memory card should put you at about 450 dollars. Take off the product replacement plan, and the extra battery- you should end up at about 400. Good price, good camera.

  5. I know whereI recommed being a consumer whore and going to or going to a smaller store like after you decide which camera to get and look them up there, as long as you don’t mind waiting a few days to get one. I highly recommend Olympus

  6. Digital CamerasYeah, I gotta agree with Devin, if you don’t mind the money, Digital Rebel is definatly the way to go. Other then that, nearly any Canon is good, stick with them, oh and some advice, go for one that uses CF, there are more opportunities for memory space, it’s cheap, common, and less prone to failure then SD is. Also, for memory, go with Lexar, it doesn’t usually cost anymore, but it is made with higher quality material as a general rule.

  7. Yeah butIf I ever need one (and I never do) we’ve got a couple of the extremely high quality Rebels lying around here (apparently the kits cost like 2 grand or something, I dont know nor do I care) but this is something that needs to fit in my pocket easily, while I bum around europe and try to bang foreign bitches.

  8. Nice cameraThose sample shots are awesome – funny how that chick looks a little like Natalie Portman…Good camera – great price.

  9. pscr707pscr707. i guess best gay doesnt have this camera. but i think office max or staples has it for $349. it was a company camera i had that was given to me. and for a point n shoot + the small stature of the camera… it alone might get you laid.

  10. I have one… I have that camera (4 MP). I love it. The audio *will* playback from the camera when reviewing video. Everything about it is great except 1 thing. It seems to be quite slow between the time your finger presses the shutter button and the picture actually gets taken. A little disappointing, but not a show stopper. From my research, no need to get higher than 4 MP unless you’re looking to blow images up (to print) bigger than 8 X 11.

  11. …Eh, only 1 minute of movie time, and no manual controls.The movie isn’t a big deal, but I’d get something with some manual control. Unless you already know you don’t care about that.

  12. Great choiceSharkey,That camera is a great choice, most of the cameras people are suggesting above like the rebel are huge. If you want something small great lens, takes a great picture one of the digital elphs like that is a good choice. Make sure you order the european travel adapters for it before you leave for your trip. I sold digital cameras for years, and I never had anyone complain about those.

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  14. WheeeI bought the SD300 Elph, and the movies aren’t 1 minute limited, only if you do the 60fps 320×480 mode. If you do the 30fps 640×480/320×480 it goes until the memory card is full. Time to make my own pornos, methinks.

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