Did You Know That, Honey?

While we’re on the excellent Youtube video subject, here’s one that I just cannot stop watching over and over again. And for the curious, here’s the best story I can drum up on the video thus far:

I remember this from a real crime show–whether A&E, Court TV or Discovery, couldn’t tell you. The name was Teri (some version of it) and it is filmed in a courthouse at some point in a murder trial. The woman punched is a relative of the defendant, and she is saying that the murdered girl was not so innocent as she has been portrayed. Basically, saying because she had been smoking weed she was a somehow “deserving” victim.

If that’s the case, she deserved the pop in the mouff. If not, I don’t care. She took it like a horrified champ.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. wait, wait.so the hideous bitch says \”trash\” and then the other hideous bitch says \”terry has THC in her system\”? is that what happens? i want to know why the one hag hit the other hag! i want background information, so i can enjoy this better, dammit…or better listening skills/speakers. i can’t make out what they all seem to be saying. other than THC and trash. damn.

  2. oh, that makes sense.the girl smoked some dope, along with 90% of the youth of america. so OBVIOUSLY she deserved to be murdered. man, old ladies are dumb.too bad she can’t admit that her relative is a swine who murdered someone. i bet (s)he was on the mary jane, too.but fuckdamn, that was a nice pop in the mouth for an old hag, as has been said.

  3. zatko is a dipshitThat clip has been featured on every fucking site on the internet this past week. You’re not special for seeing it somewhere else first. Fag.Also, that site you linked blows.

  4. Umeu is a (insert 8th grade comeback)News flash: Everything on the net is rehashed. Every-fucking-thing.I just happened to noticed the last 2 posts on here were put up right after they were posted on Fazed. I only check those 2 sites, as I don’t have time to look at every damned EN/rant/rave/bitch site. I do have things to do.And by the way, Fazed sucks? Did BAMF show you this? http://www.ohgizmo.com/2006/01/26/asahis-beer-pouring-robots/And I still don’t know how to link. And I still don’t care.Sorry to upset you, umeu. I’ll let you hold my cock next time. It’s warmth in your palms will soothe you. Stoke it gently.

  5. No pain.Go watch Faces of Death 1-6. Then watch Traces of Death 1-6 shortly after. Then, TRY to have some sort of emotional reaction to anything.I did it when I was 14. Been pretty much desensitized since (the baby deformities/killings put me over the edge). Doesn’t mean I don’t like to bitch and moan.No tissues needed, my friend, unless you need to wipe the cum off your lips. I thought you liked to swallow?

  6. Who’s going to pay for all the air?Sharkey, invent yourself a firefox plugin that allows you to virtually slap people over the internet and you will become a trillionaire.

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