Death: The High Cost Of Impressing Forum Kiddies

Remember that Microsoft employee who got arrested for stealing $9 million in software from MS and posting about all the cool shit he “magically” acquired (cars, etc) on his website? No? Let me refresh your memory:

Rest in peace, fuckwit

Maybe now you’re catching on. Anyway, no need to keep current on the guy’s story anymore. He’s dead. Drank Antifreeze. …yeah, I uh… that certainly does suck. Boy, it’s not quite as fun to pick on a dead guy when he’s not Sonny Bono. I guess I’ll just have to dig deep and do the best that I can. (Thanks to Scott for the link)

Daniel Feussner died Feb. 7 from ingesting ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze, according to the Medical Examiner’s Office. How it happened is unknown; there were no witnesses to his death.

Feussner was arrested at Microsoft’s Redmond campus in December on a federal complaint listing 15 counts of wire, mail and computer fraud. The morning of his arrest, neighbors watched FBI agents haul boxes of personal items and computer equipment from his home and seize his car collection.

None of that is really funny. It was kind of stupid before he drank the antifreeze, now it’s just plain sad. Although there is this little tidbit:

Federal prosecutors dropped the case against him after his death.

You know, that’s downright nice of you fellas. I take back all the bad things I ever said about the feds, you guys are OK in my book. I’d imagine all the other white collar criminals are thankful that they won’t have to do their morning jailtime exercises with a cadaver.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. YummmmCheers ! Drink up !It’s just blue kool-aid….Whoops !I think that Mr. Gates has a bit of money to \”buy\” whatever means of settling a score that he needs to. Kool-Aid for everyone !

  2. Hmm……Sounds fishy….kinda smells fishy too…oh wait thats my girlfriend.Oh….i shouldn’t have told you that.

  3. Re: Hmm…..That’s what that smell is? Damn…Tell her to clean that thing up once in a while.

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