Dear 80’s: I Love You. Go To The Prom With Me.

[ Grill Skillz ] – from back in the day, when motherfuckers was passionate about they burgah-flippin’ skillz. Also take note of the Mr. T videos there, because the entire site is pretty much hand-carved out of solid gold.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Press in the flavor, press out the fatAs a former Wendy’s grill bitch, I am on my knees in worship. Thank you oh so much.

  2. Holy Shiat!?There you have it! Next time I say everything was way better back in the 80’s, you keep your mouth shut and agree with me… (OMG im doing rap!)

  3. SchweetThe best part is at the very end:The lone white guy rubs his eyes and cries as he realizes his role in this \”production\” has shattered any hope of an acting career. They should add hexagonal patties to the square ones, and then you could have a meat-tessellation.Flip it M.C. Escher style!

  4. Good godGhey – If I was going to work there and they were playing that…I would go elsewhere. The meat puppets were freaky !

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