Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Stupid Pun Ahoy!

Today's post from the can: 'Why Did I Eat So Much Damned Corn?'Danger’s Hiptop has finally hit the shelf, and it’s sort of anticlimatic at this point. I feel like I’ve been waiting so long, I don’t really feel those pangs of schoolgirlish glee when I think about owning one. Way to suck the life out of my uh… life, Danger.

I’ll probably plunk down the 300 bucks or so (before rebate, with all the necessary bullshit) for the damned thing, only so I can have the luxury of posting from the can. So before I throw some cash at this new company, does anyone have any comments on the Hiptop? I’ve heard nothing but good so far, so it’d be nice to get everyone’s opinion. Except for the manatees. Like your continued survival helps anyone, you selfish bastards.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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