Cue Imperial March

Another one bites the dust. Seems like the MPAA went on a holiday rampage, destroying all of the large-scale Bittorrent websites, most notably Suprnova. Others like and also got hit.

I guess until we get a 100% decentralized version of Bittorrent (ie: no need for a website or servers to host the .torrent files) or a comparible alternative, we’re pretty much going to have to scrape around the Internet like rats. Rats who really like movies, but not paying for them. But we still like cheese, you know, because it’s delicious.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Hrmm…Isn’t shutting down sites for having .torrent files, kind of like arresting someone for posession with intent to distribute for having a PICTURE of marijuana in their pocket?Just seems that way to me…

  2. AnalogyI think it’d be more like being arrested for possession for giving out the number of the guy to score the pot from, but since nobody’s being arrested, the analogy doesn’t really work. They’re just being asked to stop, by lawyers. Big, scary lawyers.

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