*Cue Crappy Tina Turner Music*

OK, now there is definitely a good reason to buy the Nintendo DS. Well, possibly a good reason. Well, speculatively a good reason. Fuck, alright, I guess its nothing more than a fanboy’s wet dream, but they may be doing a conversion of N64 Goldeneye for the new handheld. Tasty.

Everyone’s dreams has finally come true. GCA has confirmed once-fabled rumors with our close contacts at Electronic Arts:

* Goldeneye for the Nintendo DS is being developed and published by Electronic Arts with it being exclusive to Nintendo.

* Goldeneye DS is based on the classic multi-million N64 hit.

* It will allow multiplayer between 8-16 players at a time, possibly even allowing for wi-fi internet play.

* It is unknown if the game is being built from scratch or based on the original engine.

They had better mean 2-16 players for multiplayer, because I doubt I’m going to know that many people who own a DS and Goldeneye. If that’s the case, I’d just stick with the N64 version. Oh, and they should put out the next-gen version of Perfect Dark one of these days, before I lose my thirst for alien blood.

Oh, and if Goldeneye utilizes the stylus for movement like the new (and completely useless to me) Metroid DS, I’m going to rip out a developer’s Goddamn eyes with the little pen and cram them up Harry Knowles’ ass, so they can see the anal equivalent of the cruel horrors that they have unleashed upon the world.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. For it’s timeIt was great, it was the next doom, and halo was the third evoultion of it in the FPS genre. There are many other greta FPS games like Perfect dark, and Unreal but those are the biggies, at least for me anyway.

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