Cool, We Broke His Brain!

Remember the fat “Star Wars Kid”? His parents are suing now because he needs psychiatric care to repair his damaged little mind. I use the word “little” in the loosest of terms.

Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. 50% of the Southern Californian population is under the care of a psychiatrist, why does this kid feel so special? I’m sure his life was peachy keen before this video. With a body like that, I’m certain that his social stature sat somewhere between the skinny feebs that play Magic The Gathering and the guy who plays the triangle in the school band.

Blatently stolen from the forum.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. noireThis is the same kid that made all kinds of fucking cash in donations right? What exactly are they suing for again?

  2. Call Me Lazybut I dont feel like searching for the link to the video. Anyone have it on hand?

  3. That poor, poor ….. Oh, for fuck’s sake, he’s a fat Canuck with the funny name.He’s under psychiatric care because the kids in school made fun of him? You’d think he’d be used to this by now. After all, he’s fat, French Canadian and his name is Ghyslain Raza. This sounds like more than enough ammo for the average high school bully to me.

  4. fat star wars fagI’d say 20 minutes a day of that shit, he’d get rid of all that fat. God damn that is funny. *oof wha ah oof ah aha ah wha swee fla oof*

  5. It was the kidding I’m sureI think maybe he was a little unbalanced any way. not to many normal people tape themselves doing stuff like that. There are times when you just leave the camera at home.

  6. star wars kidif the kid didnt want anyone to see that he was acting stupid he shouldn’t have video taped himself and left it in the school. but now hes famous so he should be happy

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