Congratulations Frank, One Vagina For The Rest Of Your Life.

So this was the “wedding weekend” for a couple of good friends of mine. The wedding itself was the best I’ve ever been to, and normally I fucking hate weddings with the fire of a thousand suns. And pretend that those suns reek of a few million tire fires and burning paper mills on their surfaces, that’s the level of hatred we’re talking about. But this was a good cerimony (short & sweet) and the reception (open bar) was pretty kick-ass.

The wedding (and bachelor party) was pretty much the reason for my absence this weekend. If it wasn’t wedding-related, it was recovery due to wedding related boozin’. And although I’m sure you missed me, take comfort in knowing that the following quote came courtesy of the bachelor party:

Context: Killbot, the resident Jewish guy, is talking to Floyd about Mel Gibson’s “The Passion.”

Killbot: “I didn’t really enjoy it, but I kind of have a respect for what Mel Gibson did with the movie. I mean yeah, I may not believe that it happened, but I respect it. I know there are other movies I feel that way about, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.”

Sharkey: “Oh yeah. I get what you’re saying. I mean, I don’t believe that the holocaust happened, but I respect what Speilberg did with Schindler’s List.”

I know what you’re going to say, so just stop. I’m saved by the grace of Jesus, so no, I am not going to Hell. …but I deserve it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. REMost Jews I know and related to believe that it happened, and that Jesus exists that he just wasn’t the messiah. Hell, there is a denomination of Jews that believe in Jesus.

  2. the jesusKillbot’s usual response is that of course he believes in jesus, he’s the most famous jew ever. He just doesn’t beleive that he’s anything else.

  3. ZoolanderKillbot’s response reminded me of Zoolander when Hansel is playing his promo video and it’s like, String is a person I would consider a role model…the music he’s put out over the years…I don’t really listen to it…but the fact that he’s out there doing it…I really respect that

  4. commentif hitler had won, schindler would have handed over the jews at the end of war… so i think the joke is even better

  5. the jesus needs a tape recorderSharkey’s usual MO is to get people’s quotes corrctly. Maybe he needs to stop drinking so much when garnering quotes. I dislike the movie yes.. I do not at all respect Mel Gibson for overdirecting, overpandering and overstylizing a story that regardless of whether you believe it happened or not, is inherent with drama and true emotion. That turd that used to be Mad Max is a hack! Please stop with hate crimes on quoting.

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