Cockslapped By Logic

[ Telegraph Article: “I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam” ]

Well, somebody give this braniac a medal. I think he’s just tested out of remedial first grade common sense. I’d honestly like to meet someone who wouldn’t be as fucking surprised as Jerry Falwell waking up naked in a men’s prison shower to learn that Sadaam is not exactly a pleasant fellow. A lot of Iraqis are pleased as punch that we’re lobbing bombs over there, because odds are a lot of them are going to be far better off. And at least the ones who die as casualties of war won’t have to suffer the slow torture that his political opponents are treated to.

But you know, we could give a shit about those people and help ’em out (sorry if it’s not the way you’d do it, but who the Hell are you anyway?) Or you can drink your Frappuccino while blocking the streets in San Francisco because you can’t see past your own foolish beliefs that we’re only doing this for oil to even consider that it “might” be a good idea. But that’s alright. We’ll let those civilians over there toil and perish under the thumb of a tyrannical warlord who’d slit their throats for lookin’ at him funny, simply because the never-had-a-real-job college crowd won’t stand for us going to war without a “perfect” reason. Kind of a stereotypical view of the situation, I know. But I’m a dick, deal with it.

Personally, if it were me I’d do it for the oil alone and burn the protesters with acid. But that’s why we have mood altering medications these days.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hmmwhile i dont support the hippies protesting in the streets like hobos, and burning flags and whatnot… its pretty clear this war just came outta nowhere.the US instated saddam, and it was ok for a while. just like was done with pinochet, and osama (the US supplied osama w/ stuff to fight soviets when they invaded afghanistan). at first these guys were allright by them. they may have been tyrannical leaders, but they were THEIR tyrannical leaders. but now hes gone off the leash, and BAM!! public nme #1. also, hes been doin this shiat for 12 years, and now its time to act because…… bush is from texas. and also, if u like war, u dont know it take it from someone who knows

  2. somehow …somehow I get the feeling anyone old enough and serious enough to have been involved in a war would use lingo like \”u\” and \”nme\”

  3. supportI don’t wanna start arguing like a bunch of retards over this shit so I’m not going to get real into my views on the situation. I’m just going to say that: Sharkey is the man!

  4. Maybe not?Sharkey, you’re assuming in this case that those mind altering medications are a good thing. Maybe not, if you ask me.Dumbass protesters.

  5. the real enemyWhatever your opinion on the war is, I think we can all agree that the next journalist who uses the phrase \”shock and awe\” should be left in the desert to die.

  6. The WarNo one likes war. It is inherently unpleasant. The question you need to ask yourself is that which is better, we stand and do nothing and let Saddam continue to repress his people, or do we do something about it. Oil is one reason among many, but the end result will be less chemical weapons, and one less murdering tyrant.

  7. war came outta nowhere…was that a joke? i’m truly hoping that it was sarcasm and that i’m just too drunk to catch it.

  8. laff\”somehow I get the feeling anyone old enough and serious enough to have been involved in a war would use lingo like ‘u’ and ‘nme’ \”somehow I feel u should pull the stick out of UR ass u fagbot, and really stop tryin to question shit u got no clue abouti was born in sarajevo, i nearly died countless times and have seen more blood gore and war than you will in however many hobotic years u spend on this planet. in summation, stick -> out of ass.thx on behalf of all the non-anal people who speak english

  9. Reasons SchmeasonsI honestly don’t care why Bush wants to go to war with Sadam (not Iraq, notice how Baghdad still has power and we haven’t blown up all their dams and bread factories like everyone thought we would). There are all kinds of theories out there and arguements. Nobody argues \”Sadam is a real stand up guy\”, or \”Sadam’s human rights practices are top notch\”. Whether you think this is about oil or blood lust it still needs to be done. Are you really content to let those people continue to suffer? What if it was your 12 year old daughter that got taken from school to be raped and torchered for Sadam and his son’s pleasure?

  10. devil’s advocatewhat if it was your daughter who was \”liberated\” by an american bomb?the real question is over a long period of time which causes more deaths and economic suffering? Saddam or the US?

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