Children Are Our Future…. We’re Fucked.

It was such a pleasant Thursday, right up until Evil Homer sent me a link about some kids sexually assaulting a 76-year-old disabled woman. Now it’s just a disturbing Thursday. A gross Thursday. *shudders*

The woman, who lived alone, told police she was taking a sponge bath in the kitchen Friday when the 11-year-old walked in, demanded money and then ordered her to take off her clothes and go into the bedroom, according to court papers.

The boy’s brother, a 13-year-old who was among the three other boys also charged, said he heard the woman say: “I’m just an old, half-crippled lady, I’m not going.”

The woman said the 11-year-old put on a condom and tried to rape her, followed by a second boy.

God damn, that is some messed up shit. I mean, when you’re an 80-year-old woman, you’re probably thinking that things like rape are off the menu in your life. Your worries now consist of living, meds, and when Columbo is on. You certainly don’t imagine that a fucking 11-year-old is going to break in and push you around, let alone try to rape you. That’s not something the elderly should have to worry about, even in a horrific society. Their primary woes should be falling down and missing shuffleboard.

And these kids. Sweet Jesus in a birchbark canoe, these kids. I can understand desperation (try jerking off, kiddo), and I can understand the drive towards mischief. But for cryin’ out loud, you’re only 11! If you think you’ve got blue balls now junior, just wait until you’re a little older, or worse, married. God only knows what the little bastard would be capable of by then.

I sincerely hope that this is just some senility-induced delusion on the part of the old woman. I normally hope that all rape is false, because its revolting, but in this case we’ve gone far beyond the point of revulsion. I mean when I was 11, and we went to Tower Records and saw the “Over 50” skin mags, I was disgusted. And this old woman was nearly 80, I don’t think they make magazines like that, nor would I want to know if they did.

I’m sorry to ramble, but this story has more digusting factors than I’ve seen in months. You’ve got rape, underaged kids, and an extremely old wrinkly woman… all you need now is a Japanese spin on it and I might actually vomit. Which, oddly enough, is a Japanese spin in and of itself.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. JesusWhen I was 11 I worried about important stuff, like if I got some cool fruit snacks in my lunch, or if I should go hang with my friend who had the Nintendo, or the one who had the Sega.

  2. wtfWho the fuck remembers what they were thinking when they were 11? Shit, I spend 10 bucks on a fucking power ranger back then, I must have been a total retard.

  3. Bleah.Being a terribly chivalrous individual, raised by my grandparents, and a hater of children, this story has me practically screaming for vengeance. Death penalty for 11 year olds!

  4. no death penaltydon’t give the kid the death penalty, just sentence him to live in a catholic monastary for the next 7 years. That’ll teach him…

  5. wait a secondwhy is this such a big deal? Everybody knows when you’re 80… NO means YES! besides, the way she was dressed she wanted it.

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