Celebrate The Love. Yub-Yub.

Sweet Christmas morning! It’s official, I will not be buying the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD later this month, because Lucas has finally taken a big enough shit on it to repulse even me. Now, I personally believed that the whole “Hayden-Christensen-in-Jedi” thing was just a rumor, thanks to a clever Photoshop job done over the summer. But no, sadly, this is now confirmed by a lot of folks who actually have advanced (not shitty ebay’ed rips) copies of the boxed set.

George Lucas has inserted Hayden Christensen into the revised DVD edition of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi — a film originally released only two years after the Canadian actor was born in Vancouver. The original Star Wars trilogy is set for release Sept. 21 in the DVD debut of these eagerly awaited titles.

A sneak peek yesterday at the controversial scenes confirmed rumours that have circulated on Internet chat sites for several weeks this summer.

Christensen — who was an unknown actor from the Toronto suburb of Richmond Hill when Lucas cast him as youthful Anakin Skywalker in Episode II — now appears as the blue-tinged ghost of Anakin in three brief scenes totalling just 10 seconds during the celebrations at the end of the movie.

You pieced me back together, you flea-bitten furball, now piece together my robotic heart!Mmmm-boy, that’s some good defecating there, Lucas. I can’t wait for the Special-Special-Super-Edition that he’ll release in 2014, where Greedo and Han will have an old-school duel with pistols at ten paces, Lando is revealed to be Mace Windu’s son, and both the Emporer and Boba Fett will have their arms lopped off prior to their respective deaths.

Oh, and he’ll finally put in his original idea of sexual tension between Chewie and Leia. Or Chewie and C3PO, depending on how much crack he snorts off a 9-year-old boy’s ass that week. I’m wagering on “lots”, but that’s only because he has to take a break to bathe his genitals in our money.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. What a load of shitThanks, George. Are you feeling too well-liked? Aren’t enough fans pissed off at you after the last time you fucked with the filmsEvidently not. Well, fuck… if Lucas is wanting to go for the most-hated man in the world prize, he’s certainly given himself a big ol’ boost.

  2. What the fuck?!That’s just fucked up.Someone please, seriously, kill that worthless Jabba-esque douche now.NOW!

  3. jesus shitting h. christwhat the fuck. I don’t think there’s anyone in the entire fucking world who wanted that to happen. what kind of stupid kiss-ass toadies has he surrounded himself with that someone said yes to this?

  4. UghMakes me glad I kept my original Limited Edition Letterbox trilogy on VHS. Somebody needs to get the 9-disc laserdisc edition and burn it to DVD and start bootleggin’ it! Anybody know if that’s out there on BitTorrent or anything? Having the tapes is better than nothing, but I’d rather have the digital laserdisc goodness.

  5. UnbelievableWhat a disgrace to the original actor. I have the original on LaserDisc, but not the rest. That’s about the best I can offer.

  6. word.www.myspleen.comThey have the original TR versions in DVD quality on there. 4.5Gig downloads but worth it for it being the original IMO.

  7. Who cares?Cripes, why are fan boys so up in arms about this? It’s fucking 10 seconds of film that actually helps continuity. What’s the big deal?OMG LUCAS IS SHITTING ON MY CHILDHOOD.

  8. doesn’t look badEverybody pissed at Star Wars just wishes they made it up. Give it up, it’s Lucas’s creation, not yours, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

  9. quitcher bitchin’10 seconds of annie at the tail end of the shittiest of the original trilogy? and for that reason, you won’t buy them on DVD? don’t be retarded.

  10. wow, shut the fuck upapparently you douche bags (who cry foul to people complaining) never appreciated the original movies. If YOU don’t mind boy band anakin being in the original trilogy, go smoke some more pole, ******s.

  11. Point.The point is, after he released that movie and it became something huge to millions of people around the globe it stopped being his thing to toy around with. If people want to see the movies the way they remember them then they should be able to, only selling his new fucked with version is not only one of the most self serving moves in the history of cinema, but also one of the stupidest and useless in recent history.How would you feel if they digitally put Nike’s on all of the runners in Logan’s Run? Or took out all of the guns from E.T. and made them into Walkie-Tal… goddamnit.

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