Last night, prior to me dominating all games at Gameworks:
*girls are doing the girl-gossip thing, the men sit uninterested*
Jen: “That’s big news, why didn’t anybody tell me? Nobody tells me anything anymore!!”
*odd silence for a few seconds*
Me: *shrugging* “Um… I went full-blown gay.”
*laughter ‘splosion*
Yeah, it doesn’t work as well written out. But that’s your problem, not mine.
Stealing From The Forum Is Awesome
by Sharkey on February 18, 2005 @ 2:32 pm
Ahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! Oh God, somebody please make an anime version of Tom & Jerry so that my childhood will be sufficiently sodomized, stabbed to death, and buried in a shallow grave? In no particular order, mind you.
Fox Can Kiss My Ass
by Sharkey on February 17, 2005 @ 6:00 pm
[ “Arrested Development” Cancelled? ]
One of the best fucking shows on right now, and they’re halting production four episodes shy of the normal 22 for the season. American Idol gets ratings through the roof, and quality shows like this get the shaft. Sounds about right to me.
Buy this movie
by FaaQ on @ 11:01 am
American Protests has finally released their long awaited DVD documentary covering the recent years protests that have occurred all over the U.S. From New York to San Francisco, protestors gathered to voice their opinion about such controversial topics as the Iraq War, the WTO, and Mr. Roger’s funeral.Sometimes violent, sometimes naked, but always entertaining, these activists angrily exercise their right to free speech. Are they making any difference?Featuring discussions from the filmmakers, this hilarious and thought-provoking documentary looks at the political mayhem unleashing in the streets of America. My good friend Blair and his team have spent months working on this movie, and I highly recommend it. This documentary covers both angles of the protest movements in the United States and no side is spared. Go watch the trailer and then buy the DVD! You can spare 10 bucks to help a brother out.
P.S. One more Shameless Plug
Star Wars Hilarity
by Sharkey on February 16, 2005 @ 11:16 pm
Oh man… oh man oh man oh man. George Lucas has just made a believer out of me. Not a believer in Star Wars, mind you, as that will be a festering pile of camel shit. No dear friends, I have faith that George Lucas is the most radical human being alive.
You know what he’s doing, don’t you? He’s spending hundreds of millions of dollars to produce a giant celluloid cock. A cock that now has him, wearing a school marching band uniform, adorned upon it. And when he’s done with it, you and I are going to pay him over a billion in ticket sales and merchandising for the express pleasure of having him whap us in the face with this digital dong.
He is what all evil geniuses should aspire to be.
Slice Of The Day: Jennifer Love Hewitt
by Sharkey on @ 5:13 pm
Just to tide you over until I can get the new server functioning properly, here are some new pics of Jennifer Love Hewitt from the new issue of Maxim.
Does she even work anymore? I think that Garfield and the Jackie Chan flick might have finished her career off. Oh well.
by Sharkey on @ 5:08 pm
Yeah, not much time for the news and whatnot, since I’ve spent most of the day configuring the new servers. I really, really dislike the software they’re running on.
Best Headline Yet
by Sharkey on February 15, 2005 @ 5:16 pm
[ Actor Tom Sizemore Fails Drug Test With Fake Penis ]
Nothing else you can say about that headline, really. It’s perfect.
by Sharkey on @ 4:52 pm
[ Midway Scores “Adult Swim” License ]
Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck.
“Friends… relations… Whatever the hell Meatwad is… I’ve lived a full life. It’s actually been pretty bitchin’. But now, regrettably, my life has been taken. Please bury me with all my stuff, because you know it’s mine… Dearest Meatwad: Turn on that dumb game ’cause I’m gonna wail on you from the grave, baby! Suck it up, mutha! Missing you already, M.S. “
As long as they have lots of Captain Murphy soundbytes from when he was alive, and they don’t turn ATHF into a first-person shooter, I’m happy.
Unidor Report: Holmes & Aguilera
by Sharkey on @ 12:29 pm
Once again, the universe shows us that balance is the key to a harmonious existence. Yes indeed, it has once again sent Unidor to even out the wrinkles in the fabric of the universe with his iron of equalization. Upon a mystical unicorn, he rides. He rides for all of us.
Holy shit, my lunch smells like burning styrofoam.
Yep. Much to Solo’s dismay, Christina Aguilera is now engaged to her manager. But, on the flip side, my wife Katie Holmes has reportedly dumped uber-douchebag Chris Klein. One hand washes the other, each coin has two sides, and various other catch phrases spring to mind. All I know is that I got another chance to post about Unidor, and that makes me happy.