Slice Of The Day: Adrienne Curry

by on January 16, 2006 @ 12:22 pm

In case you didn’t know, Adrianne Curry is the super hot model who incredulously decided to start fucking Chris “Peter Brady” Knight after the two appeared on “The Surreal Life” together. Like the placebo effect, the location of Jimmy Hoffa, and why nobody’s offered Jessica Alba enough money to get nude on camera yet, some things will forever remain a mystery.

Adrianna Curry Nude

Adrianna just did a spread in Playboy, which was a moving experience. I’m sure I don’t need to explain the euphamism, we’ll just move right along.

Mother Earth Is Going To Spank Us

by on @ 10:32 am

I got up this morning, and upon my windshield I beheld a substance unbeknownst to me, a native Californian. There, glistening in the sun, was a thick layer of ice adhered to my entire viewing area.

What the unholy Hell is going on around here? Hot as shit one week, an icy windshield (a first, in my 20-some-odd-years of life in So Cal) the next. I’m thinking that Mother Nature wants to kick the living crap out of us for all the fluorocarbons and cow farts that we’ve allowed to escape into the atmosphere. In the meantime, I have to go shopping for a heavy coat and a pair of shorts.

The House Of (Bad) Ideas

by on @ 2:10 pm

Oh God, what the Hell is Marvel thinking? (thanks NHDJ1) They’re redesigning the Spidey costume, and from what it sounds like they’re hinting at, the Scarlet Spider will make a return visit. This is why I don’t really read comics anymore.

Word has been building for months now, and comic fans have been dying to know- what is Spider-Man’s new costume?! Well, folks, here it is! Recognize the color scheme? You should, it’s playing an important role in the future of the web-slinger!

After the shocking events in “The Other” storyline, Peter recieves this new costume to help him adjust to his newest developments, as well as giving him some added muscle! Designed by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, this new design has a few tricks up its sleeve. “The Iron Spider design- as I like to call it- came to me during a Spider-Man story meeting we were having, we were talking and I was involuntarily sketching on a pad. It’s inspired by a sketch that Chris Bachalo did that showed a new Spidey costume with . I thought that was brilliant, especially since it echoed one of Spidey’s greatest villains, and I took the idea and imagined it as though seeing it through the eyes of Tony Stark. The sky’s the limit with respect to gadgetry when it comes to Tony inspired costumes.”

Every couple of years, I poke my head back into comics to see if it’s safe to get back in the water.

See you in 2008, Marvel.

I “Choose” That These “People” Fucking Die

by on @ 9:50 am

People’s Choice Awards Results: Blarrrrgh

But it was “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” that took home the night’s biggest awards on Tuesday. The final chapter in George Lucas’ series was named Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Drama at the awards show.

His six-part space epic has rarely been on critic’s lists, despite raking in billions, so for Lucas the wins were sweet revenge. “I’m not a big favorite with the critics, but who listens to them?” Lucas said while accepting the award for Favorite Movie from Harrison Ford, according to Reuters. “The reason I make films is for you. The audience rules.”

Dear people: Fuck you.

That is all.