‘Scuse Me Ma’am, Can I Get Some Cream?

by on August 9, 2004 @ 1:55 pm

[ Monday Morning Lactation Report ] – oddly enough, I’ve seen two mothers nursing in front of me in as many weeks. Never really bothered me, as it benefits the child and occasionally myself, but I can see how a lot of people might be grossed out. Read on:

SILVER SPRING, Md. — About 30 mothers gathered at a Starbucks Coffee shop to nurse their babies to lobby the coffee store chain to adopt a national policy permitting public breast-feeding.

I’d pop more in there, but I can’t copy/paste the text on the sidekick, so that’s all you get. Do the work yourselves, you illiterate bastards. The gist is that women don’t want to cover their babies’ heads when they nurse in public, nor do they want to feed them in the bathroom. I’ve never said no to seeing a breast, but I can definitely attest to the fact that there are some that we shouldn’t lay our mortal eyes on.

I can say this though: I’ve yet to meet a woman who wants to see moms have the right to nurse in public. Take that, women’s rights movement!


by on @ 11:30 am

I apologize for the title of this post, but I heard that song the other day, and now you must suffer as well.

Hey, speaking of suffering, did you hear that the man-woman Chyna has now joined the ranks of the rich and famous with explicit sex tapes of themselves floating around. …yeah. Exciting.

True, this is the Enquirer (not to be confused with the Inquirer) but I usually tend to trust when third rate hollywood skanks supposedly have fucky sucky footage of themselves. Oops, I just happened to join a fledgeling trend and “accidentally” boosted my career by being a whore, which is oddly enough, my profession. Too bad it had to be a woman who could flex during sex and squish your junk with her labia like she was mashing a banana.


by on August 4, 2004 @ 3:31 am

If I could wrussle your bitch ass out of bed right now, to share my pain of having to be up right now for the airport, I would.

See you in the Hawaii.

** Update ** Wow. Not even a full half hour later, and I’m at the airport, in my terminal, wishing for sleep or death. Now I feel… Well, kinda stupid. I could have easily left a half hour from now (thanks Killbot for the ride) and still made it with time to spare.

The folks at check-in and the baggage check areas are remarkably chipper for 4:30 in the AM. I was in full on “fuck you its fucking early you stupid fuck” greeting mode, but their upbeat attitude was pretty catchy. They got me down to one expletive per sentence, and that’s unheard of for this fucking time of morning. Or night. I dislike not being able to classify my current state of being.

I Play Da Ukelele, Bitch!

by on August 3, 2004 @ 10:21 pm

Currently, I am trying to keep myself inebriated to the point where my insomnia kicks in. This is because in five hours, I will be at LAX, getting ready to head to Hawaii.

I’ve never been, but I’m stoked. I’m going with Bolt, Killbot, and a hot girl. The hot girl being Bolt’s… something. So I guess I’m basically going with Killbot. THATS RIGHT KILLBOT, IM MAVERICK AND YOURE ICEMAN. BULLSHIT, YOU CAN BE MY WINGMAN!


While I would appreciate if other writers would… well, I guess write. But thankfully, I have m’ Sidekick. I’ll continue to post. I gotta go though, booze is a callin’.

Electra Ready To Deflate

by on @ 10:59 am

Yeah Carmen, go ahead and deflate 'em. After all, you've always got your acting talents to fall back on. ...wait, I forgot, you're deflating them. Sorry.Bad news for Carmen Electra fans, if there are any left. Seems that the star of… well, whatever she gets naked in, has decided that she needs less of a rack. And no, sadly, it is not so that she can make room for a third tit like that chick in Total Recall.

…what? You were all thinking the same damn thing.

From IMDB.com

Former Baywatch beauty Carmen Electra is set to leave her hordes of male fans hugely disappointed – because she’s considering having her breasts reduced. The sexy actress, married to rocker Dave Navarro, had her chest size boosted in the 90s, but now often has regrets about not having stayed natural. Electra says, “I had nice breasts to begin with. They weren’t the biggest boobs (but) I just think it was really trendy (to have implants) at a certain time and I decided to do it. There’s moments when I think it’s kind of silly and I wish I would’ve just stayed natural.” She adds of her husband Navarro, “He actually wants me to get ’em bigger but I said no.”

Meh, she’s getting old anyway, so I guess it’s better to bow out gracefully rather than age horribly in the public eye. Besides, I would imagine that most 80-year-old women wouldn’t want to carry around silicone (or saline) all the time. She’d be kneeing them into people’s faces every time she took a walk.

Then again, Harry Knowles probably has the same problem. Maybe an industrial strength Bro is the answer.

Science Finally Proves Itself Useful

by on August 2, 2004 @ 4:14 pm

Ladies, start yo’ drankin’!

It is news guaranteed to raise a cheer among those who enjoy a glass or two: drinking half a bottle of wine a day can make your brain work better, especially if you are a woman.

Research to be published tomorrow by academics at University College London has found that those who even drink only one glass of wine a week have significantly sharper thought processes than teetotallers.

“Our results appear to suggest some specificity in the association between alcohol consumption and cognitive ability,” said the team. “Frequent drinking may be more beneficial than drinking only on special occasions.”

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about, scientists! Knock one right outta the fucking park. This is far more beneficial than the scientific discovery that semen is filled with protein. Damned Atkins fad didn’t do shit with that one.

But back on point, we have some celebrating to do, and it is all thanks to this man, and his team of ass-kicking titty loving scientists. Good work crew, we owe you one.

Drink up bitches! Science COMMANDS YOU!

Now if they can figure out a way to convince these drunkard chicks that sleeping with webmasters makes you shit diamond necklaces, I’m in the chips. At least then I can stop telling women that I’m a garbage man.

Odd… No VW Logo Next To The Apples… Yet

by on @ 1:21 pm

[ When Nerds Get Tatoos ] – strangely enough, one of the chicks is pretty cute. Of course you get the obligatory dorks with fake circuitry, although the spinal double helix looked pretty cool.

I know a lot of folks (*ahem* Bud, Billy Ray, I’m looking at you) who have Star Wars tatoos, which is where I pretty much draw the nerd line. Anything dorkier than that is traversing dangerously into scary waters. Although I do have to admit my one nerd vice, and that’s Zelda. When I was a kid, I always thought it would be cool to get the triforce inked on the back of my hand, like Link and Zelda have. Yeah, I thought that would be cool right up until I realized that sex was something that I might want to have someday. And thus, the dream had to die.

Obligatory Video Game Shizzle

by on @ 11:17 am

That’s right, welcome to August. And now welcome to a bunch of reasons that I will buy a Nintendo DS. I’m just going to run down the shit that I actually care about, rather than the whole list of shit like Monster Farmer and whatnot.

Aaaaaand…. GO!

Castlevania (Konami)
Viewtiful Joe (Capcom)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix)
Secret of Mana (Square Enix)
New Team Ninja Game (Tecmo)

I might care about the Boktai or the Sonic game, but goddammit, there’s already like ten games for the thing that I will more than likely buy. Screw you, Nintendo. I work hard for this money. …well, I work for this money. …well… It’s my money goddammit, and now you’re blatently stealing it from my pocket, and handing me back magic beans. Except these beans are made of silicon and plastic. And I am addicted to these beans like some sort of crack/heroin/nicotine/Krispy Kreme mixture, and I will do anything to get them. Anything.

Hmm… maybe that was too much sharing for a Monday morning.