California, You’ve Been Tahhgeted For Govuhnation.

Let's hear de lamentations of de wimmen!Apparently Ah-nuld has not yet ruled out the possibility of being my great state’s celebrity governer. Let the puns continue:

“If the party needs me, I would without any doubt be interested in doing that rather than doing another movie,” the staunch Republican told The Post. “I would give up my movie career for that.”

Arnie’s interest in a political career is being fueled by Californians’ possible recall of the unpopular incumbent Democrat Gov. Gray Davis.

“I’m for the recall because I think the situation in California is disastrous,” he said. “But I am not even thinking about [running] now, because the recall hasn’t happened yet. As it plays out, then I can make that decision.”

I might vote for Arnie, it depends on whether or not he can disassociate himself from his movies when it comes to politics. Because personally, I say fuck that. Disassociation is for people who lack discipline. He should be up there telling people that our defecit is “not a tumah” his entire term. That, and he should introduce the 73 as California’s official “maneuver”.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. grey davis!Arnie should terminate that ass of a Gov.I went by my old highschool the other day…and i was depressed to see that the soccer field amongst other things such as the hordiculture area where completely run down and uncared for.Now i definatly was not a sports guy or anything like that but i will say it pisses me off that im going to be paying more do drive my car around and the kids can’t even have after school sports.

  2. teh crappyness is strong….Id vote 4 Arhnuld at this point. Davis didnt do shit in office but run this state into the ground. Tripled vehicular registration fees. Doubled the cost for me to go to school. Busted azz legisulator cant even pass a budget. Damn im thinking about relocating… But cant beat So. Cal 4 anything tho. It just sucks…

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