California Has A Prahblem With Aliens. I Haff Fought MANY Aliens!

Well, at least I have a reason to vote in the recall election in a couple of months: Ah-nult has decided to run for governor. This will no doubt please comedy writers everywhere, as this pretty much makes their jobs effortless. Every time the man opens his mouth it becomes new material. I think it might have something to do with the accent.

In similar news, former BAMF writer Gary Coleman has also tossed his hat into the ring. This comes after Larry Flynt and that billboard chick Angelyne announcing their respective campaigns for the governorship. I was actually going to run, but after this prestigious lot of individuals joined the race, I figured that nobody would want me making a mockery of this very serious event.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. DanaYeah, and Gary C probably got to bang Dana Plato… she was kinda hot, but a nut case (before she died)

  2. I was at CNN HQ todayand they had this whole segement on wee Gary C running for Guvnah. Fuck, if polio stricken FDR can make it, so can Gary! Everyone to the election booth!

  3. Cheap Fun…Ahh….Throwing hat into ring: $3500.00Proof you have friends, atleast 65: $100.00Double sided \”Get to know me cards\”: $250.00Hopelessly watching yourself fail: **Priceless**

  4. gahAre there even any real politicians running for governer of California? This has got to be the most retarded thing to ever occur in the U.S. since the election of \”Little Dub-ya\”

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