By The Way

A lotta fucking slices are coming soon. So keep your pants on. Or off, depending on how you choose to enjoy the slices, you sick bastard.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. after the dry spellcomes the deluge. Sharkey you certainly have been dedicated to bring us the fahkie.

  2. To much pieEnough with the pie. I liked it when you didn’t have all this time for pie, and you wrote more. Oh well. On with the pie I guess.

  3. Tell Meyou’re just trying to incite flames….yeah sharkey’s the shit when it comes to writing, but, boobies man BOOBIES

  4. Forbidden PieAnd get to work on a Hillary Duff gallery. She puts the Olsen Twins to shame!

  5. Ya know..Ethan’s got an excellent point. I can find boobies on the ‘net without clicking more than three times. I can’t, however, find the style of biting sarcasam mixed with humor that Sharkey provides anywhere nearly as easily. -THAT- is what you should be getting from the front page of the Mofo, my friends. The Slices are nice, but the real content is the writing.

  6. Pie.Granted, that’s why I stick around the main site at all anymore, the humor. But he’s not kidding, the galleries I made (some of which are 150+ pics) are fantasmal. They’d make Baby Jesus cry, supposing he were gay.

  7. ContentI appreciate the feedback on the writing, and I’m trying (I swear) to get more on track with that. Although now is an incredibly fucking busy time for work, not to mention finals. But, I’m trying to get the site redesign and reorganization finished, and hopefully the other writers will feel compelled to write after I lead you all to the promised land. But uh… slices don’t hurt, know what I’m sayin?

  8. PIE suggestions,Hillary Duff, Midijah (from wCw) and DEFINITLY Anna Paquin.Been visiting BAMF since 1999, Never have had a complaint, from myself or friends. Sharkey fuckin’ rules the yard when it comes to writing & serving up PIE.J

  9. Just to clarify…Are those going to be a lot of fucking slices or a fucking lot of slices? The distinction is crucial.

  10. Not trying to be mean.Wow I’m amazed I caused that discussion. I wasn’t saying that I didn’t like the content now, but merely I am not visiting the site to see pie. Although, I must say the new galleries are really awesome. This is by far one of my favorite sites, and I have link to it on my site. I just happy that Sharkey puts the effort into that he does. And hope that he keeps up the great work.

  11. Screw this!!!I have a Doctor’s note that says im cured and now can be released back into the mainstream public, i hope he’s right…..PS: Asian PIE please, no need to wrap it, i’ll eat it here…..Francine Dee, if you take requests and all.

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