American Protests has finally released their long awaited DVD documentary covering the recent years protests that have occurred all over the U.S. From New York to San Francisco, protestors gathered to voice their opinion about such controversial topics as the Iraq War, the WTO, and Mr. Roger’s funeral.Sometimes violent, sometimes naked, but always entertaining, these activists angrily exercise their right to free speech. Are they making any difference?Featuring discussions from the filmmakers, this hilarious and thought-provoking documentary looks at the political mayhem unleashing in the streets of America. My good friend Blair and his team have spent months working on this movie, and I highly recommend it. This documentary covers both angles of the protest movements in the United States and no side is spared. Go watch the trailer and then buy the DVD! You can spare 10 bucks to help a brother out.
P.S. One more Shameless Plug
I will go see it for sure.Mmmmmmmmmm lesbians and random nakedness….
adsAds on the front page now? awesome
im lazyso im just gonna post hereget Aishwarya Rei in the pie galleryapperently she claims shes the most attractive woman in the world
aishwaryashe’s in there. lazy ass.
cockProtestors can suck my cock. And then protest about it. And then get slapped with my cock.
DammitI have to put up with anarchists blocking traffic downtown, and now I have to read about it HERE?Fuck. Although if there are any of the hot protesters that made the calendar here in Lawrence, that would be sweet.