But Our Princess Is In Another Castle!

Excellent clip from Inside Edition circa 1988, hosted by Bill O’Rielly no less, regarding the “Nintendo phenominon.”

It had Howard Philips (from the Nester comics!) and Bill White, both of whom I am ashamed to know plenty of facts about. Philips, for example, was one of the first people in North America to play Donkey Kong, and was just about the only person at Nintendo of America who thought that the game was any good.

I share these bits of information with you, because if I shared them with my girlfriend, she wouldn’t have sex with me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. BillI can’t wait for his instant messages to come out. Oh, wait, something like that happened.Everyone knows about the vines. SM2 is when that got out of hand.

  2. 43The purpose of this site is to alert elements of United States counter-terror forces, specifically the elite team that may be known as \”Rainbow Six\”, to unusual events that I am monitoring in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is my belief that their help will be needed in the coming days.

  3. Cue the way back machineGood old Super Mario. It’s funny seeing that cock-sucker O’Reilly pose as some kind of investigative journalist type talking about a video game company. I forgot he was on that show. The dude with the mullet was cool. Did jobs like that actually exist? Do they exist now? I don’t know about calling the \”experts\” to help with the games, but as far as I was concerned, playing through NES video games consisted of discussing with friends, hours of gameplay, and buying Nintendo Power magazine. Again, showing my age…..Yes kids, back then the name \”Nintendo\” had a certain reverence about it; unlike today being synonymous with terms like \”joke\”, \”washed up\”, and \”should stay in Japan\”.

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