But It’s OK To Steal From Microsoft… They’re Evil!

Can you beleive the brass balls on a guy who could steal 9 million in software from Microsoft, and then host his own website to show off his toys? Wait, did I say brass balls? I meant complete and utter fucking stupidity.

A director for one of Microsoft’s high-profile .NET projects was arrested yesterday on federal charges that he stole and sold more than $9 million in software from the company to buy luxury cars, jewelry and a 51-foot yacht.

Prosecutors say Feussner stole $9 million worth of software. Daniel Feussner, 32, of Sammamish is accused of wire, mail and computer fraud for ordering expensive Microsoft software by saying that he needed it for his project. Prosecutors say he sold the software and used the proceeds to finance his lavish lifestyle.

He used his personal Web site to showcase his expensive toys, photos of his home, his boat and himself.

He should’ve known better. After all, it’s not every man who has his own entry in Webster’s dictionary.

I'm like The Dude from Big Lebowski, only a complete fucking retard

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ??I’m confused. You’d think someone smart enough to figure out how to fuck with a multi-billion dollar company would be smart enough to… I dunno.. cover his tracks.. maybe not flaunt the fact he has more money then he should? the level of stupidity in some people never ceases to amaze me. Ever seen \”jay-walking\” on the tonight show.. christ.. \”when was the war of 1812?\” \”ummmm.. 1957?\” \”ok i’ll say it again.. when was the war OF 1812?\” \”um 1913?\” fuck off.. seriously. some people really should be shot.

  2. Theft R us\”We take employee theft very seriously,\” she said.lol… like you’d ever see \”our complany doesn’t really mind if you take things that belong to us and not you… as long as your REALLY sorry… or least lose some sleep over it.\”

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