Britney Waxes Poetic

Oh… good lord.

A meal, a shower and some ice cream
Then I threw my man down, you know what I mean!

Magical nights filled with stars
Silence is golden, no running cars.

I can wager that her management staff (who probably already threw up over the wedding shit) are filling their trousers after this one.

Its awesome watching a girl demolish what’s left of her career over a relationship that most folks are giving a maximum of 18 months to survive. Does anybody know if she got a prenup?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. WTFMan, she is a dumb fucking cunt. She is single-handedly destroying her career.Oh well, it’s not like it matters, she already made a gazillion dollars.

  2. “And he fucked me in teh ass while Tupac blared…”\”It hurted a little bit but I weren’t scurred!\”The best comment was: \”Wow. She puts the \”suck\” in unsuccessful prose.\”

  3. you gotta admit though…Everybody gives this Federline douche a lot of shit, but he could be the smartest man alive. He gets to have sex with her, and gets paid to do it. He knows it won’t last forever so he just has to put up with the retard for a year or so. You KNOW he’s trying to knock her up…. poking holes in the condoms and replacing her birth control with chicklets.

  4. that silly little pop star…*kicks britney’s head in and keeps the body*much better if she stops talking and just makes primitive moan-type noises.

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