At this point I’m forced to wonder if Britney Spears has been paid off by the Bush administration in a sort of reverse Wag The Dog scenario. The more we pay attention to her child custody denial or poor interviewing skills, the less concerned we become with just about anything that matters. And after listening to that Britney interview through the part where she wordlessly leaves to go take a shower, can you blame me for not caring about anything? My brain feels like runny oatmeal.
The only reason I actually posted anything about her is this photo right here:

I think she hit up the same discount collagen clinic that Anna Faris went to just before she appeared on “Entourage.” In fact, I would really love to post up a side by side comparison shot, if someone can get me an image from her first appearance on the show. Specifically, when she’s talking to Eric on the phone and is wearing the same ridiculously huge sunglasses (and lips) as Spears here.
Britney is starting to look uncannily like a girl I slept with a long time ago. Note that I say “slept with” and not “dated” because frankly, this was a slumpbust we’re talkin’ about.
britney is one hot assed milf behotch